Welcome Spring
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Welcome Spring
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When making a monetary donation please fill out this form first. This is the form we need to give you a receipt. After you have submitted the form please click the links below or scan them to donate.
Thank You!
You can always send us cash and checks, but you can also send us monetary donations via PayPal. Just click the QR code above and it will direct you to our PayPal.
Please note: if you leave a monetary donation via PayPal we ask that you fill out the donation form at the top of this page
We take used items and you can drop them off at our Donation Station. Look for the BIG BLUE sign that says Donations.
The only items we do not take are:
If you wish to donate items specifically for the garage sale, the Donation Station is your spot to leave them. All items sold in the Garage Sale will go towards our children's Summer Activities.
Everyday use wish list
· Laundry Soap
· Fabric Softener
· Dryer Sheets
· Bathroom Cleaner
· Furniture Polish
· Spray Air Freshener
· Glade plug-in refills
· Glade Sense and Spray refills
· Air Wick Freshmatic Automatic Spray Spray refills
· Air Wick Plug-in refills
· Toilet Paper
· Paper Towels
· Kleenex
· Gallon Size Freezer Bags
· 39 Gallon Trash Bags
· 13 Gallon Trash Bags
· Gift Cards for Food (McDonald's, Chick Fil A, Sonic... etc.
Financial Support
The Texas Pythian Home, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. The Home does not receive any State or Federal funding. Financial support comes from businesses, organizations, churches, and private individuals. It is this generosity which has allowed the Home to continue operating for all these years. Your tax deductible support is greatly appreciated.
There are several programs available to help the Home financially.
"Memorials" for a loved one who has passed on is a gift which keeps on giving. This contribution goes into the Endowment fund. An acknowledgement card is sent to the family of the deceased and a receipt is sent to the donor.
"In Honor Of" a loved one, special friend, or business to acknowledge them for being an important influence. The Home acknowledges the gift to the donor as well as the one being honored. Wills or Living Trusts are an excellent way to help ensure the future of our children. It is through the generosity of others the Home is able to continue operating. All donations are tax deductible.
"Kash for Kids" is a simple decision to give a designated amount to the Home on a consistent basis. You can give weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly-whatever you find most comfortable.
Please mail checks to the Texas Pythian Home, Inc.
1825 E Bankhead Dr. Weatherford, Texas
Please fill out the donation form when making any kind of donation. This allows us to receipt it.
The Home also accepts the contributions of goods, materials, and services.
Gold Star Program (July and August Only)
Purchase "Back to School" clothing, shoes and a backpack for a particular child. Each child will have a card with 3 outfits, shoes, and a backpack listed. Each child has a flyer that is sent to the Gold Star donor. The flyer describes the child and what their clothing style is. We always start Gold Star 6 weeks before the first day of school. Items purchased need to be returned to the Pythian Home one week before the start of school. This allows our children to start the year off right.
Christmas is exciting at the Home due to the generosity of so many people. Our children made "Wish Lists" for Santa and we divide them among several organizations and individuals who so wonderfully bless our children. These folks truly understand the meaning of "it is more blessed to give than receive" because they do so abundantly.
We accept donations of anything with the exception of animals, used mattresses, computers, monitors, printers, and televisions, we do accept beef, pork, chicken, etc. which has been professionally processed for food. Donations are what keep the Pythian Home running. It also helps us keep our tax exempt status. Please remember us when you have good, usable furniture, household items, clothing, toys, etc. Our children do not usually have many belongings when placed in our care and you can imagine what it takes to meet the needs of our children on a daily basis. Personal grooming items such as shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste, deodorant, HE laundry soap, cleaning supplies, etc. are always needed.